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A reduction in the supply of fresh water leads diretly to a reduction in animal life.
We aim to educate the irish public ont he best ways to do their part to save water.
Enery Costs
Water treatment and delivery plants use huge amounts of energy, reducing water demand can help reduce greenhouse gases.
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5 Tips on How You Can Save Water (and Money) in Your Home
The average person in the UK uses around 143 litres of water per day. Most of this water is the same quality drinking water that comes out of your tap and a hefty portion of this ends up going down the drain. With the average UK annual water bill totalling around £400, being mindful of your water use and using water more intelligently can save you hundreds of pounds. Find out how you can achieve this through our top 5 water-saving tips that you can implement right at home!
To Shower or Not to Shower?
We’ve all been told that showers are more efficient than baths in terms of water consumption but this is only if you optimise your showers by spending less time under the showerhead and if you use a showerhead that is geared for conserving water.
The average bath uses around 80 litres of water and a regular showerhead produces 12 litres of water per minute. Showers are great if you only take the recommended 4 minutes to shower, if you’re one to indulge in 10 minute long power showers, your water usage could sky-rocket to a total of 150 litres as power shower heads use 3 more litres per minute than regular shower heads. This immediately exceeds the average person’s water use for a whole day! So stick on one of your favourite songs and use that to time the optimal water-saving shower.
Human vs Appliance
Thought you were better than your dishwasher? Think again. The average person uses up to 5 times more water than an efficient dishwasher does and 3.5 times more than a regular dishwasher. Save yourself time and water by letting the machine wash your dishes but make sure you wait until your dishwasher is full before you switch it on to really make sure you maximise on your savings!
Patience Pays Off
In a world obsessed with instant rewards and results it’s easy to develop wasteful habits that could be combated with a little bit of patience. Waiting till you have enough for a full load of laundry before you run a wash cycle. Check your manual for your machine’s most efficient laundry programs and maximum load capacity. For example, programs such as those for synthetic clothes use up to 50% more water than cotton washes as they aim to avoid creasing in addition to washing your clothes.
Home Improvements
Small changes that you make to appliances in your home can have a significant effect on the water you end up using in your house on a daily basis and the best part about them is they can save you water and money without you even thinking about them.
Updating your toilet flush system can save you litres of water each time you flush. Old flush systems can send 13 litres of water down the toilet per flush which can be optimised with newer dual-flush system upgrades or by installing a displacement system, both of which will save you between 1 and 3 litres with every flush. With the average person flushing their toilet 5 times a day, that’s a saving of 15 litres of water per day!
Installing a water butt in the garden is also a great way to save water at home for those of you who like to water your grass and plants. They sit there and collect 5000 litres of water per year and cut down your usual water wastage by 33% by replacing a running hose or sprinkler system.
Be Mindful
Your water usage in the home may be the last thing on your mind but small things such as a dripping tap or how you use your wastewater can make a big difference. A dripping tap in the home can waste up to 15 litres of water per day, and the 5 litres you use to wash your fruits and vegetables in the sink can be easily caught in a bowl and used to water plants in the home instead.
Switching the tap off whilst you brush your teeth and wash things like produce and dishes can also save litres per day. Boiling only the amount you need in the kettle also saves not only water, but energy and time and any excess kettle water can be refrigerated and drank later for purified, cool water that saves running the tap excessively whilst waiting for the water to get cold.
Join us! Start conserving water today!
We are delighted to receive support from a number of businesses and organisations.
Fáilte Ireland and the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) have today (Friday 3rd August) teamed up on an initiative to promote best practice in water conservation.

In line with new national initiatives and strategies to tackle climate action and use water wisely, the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is encouraged to reduce their water footprint.

Our company worked towards a goal of reducing our water consumption by installing rain collection devices on our premises, these combined with filtration have reduced our water usage.

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Modern gadgets for the home that can help save water
With prices increasing across the world, and resources running in short supply, it is more important than ever to preserve what we have. On average in the UK, each person wastes 140 litres of water every single day. Over the course of a year, this becomes 51100 litres. Little losses add up over time, so saving water consistently in small ways is an effective way to minimise your consumption over time. Let’s explore some of the modern gadgets you can adopt in your household to save water.
Cistern Displacement Device
Cistern displacement devices are handy bits of kit which you can insert into the cistern of your toilet. When the toilet is flushed, the cistern displacement device expands, blocking the area and preventing up to two litres of water from being flushed unnecessarily. On average, toilet flushing accounts for the second biggest usage of water in the home, so adding one of these cisterns can lead to a massive reduction in overall usage.
Water Saving Shower Head
Though they sacrifice slightly on power, water saving shower heads cut down the amount of water being used by over half the amount used with a regular shower head. Buying one of these will only set you back a tenner, so it is a worthwhile and sensible investment when trying to reduce usage.
Tap Aerator
Tap aerators are a clever bit of kit which introduce bubbles into the water coming out of the tap. This reduces water usage by minimising the flow of the water. Aerators can be attached to the faucet on a tap and are aimed at guiding consumers to use less water when doing the dishes or washing their hands. Much like the water saving shower head, these aerators cost around £10, and can save over a litre of water per minute when the tap is on full stream setting.
LeakyLoo Strips
Though they do not look like a flashy modern gadget, LeakyLoo strips are extremely useful when trying to reduce water usage. These strips can be applied to the toilet bowl and will detect when there is a leak. Leaks in toilets can account for hundreds of litres of water usage per day if left undetected. Buying these strips is an investment in making sure this doesn’t happen. The trouble with toilet leaks is that they are very discrete and can occur for a long time before being noticed. Buying LeakyLoo strips ensure that if a leak does occur, you will know about it and can rectify it.
Water Butt
Though water butts have a bit of an old-fashioned reputation, there are now impressive modern versions of these devices with updated technology, which are designed with timers which can be set to tell them when to open and close, amongst other features. Harvesting rainwater will always remain a staple way of managing your overall water consumption, because it can make up for some of the water you lose through other means.